In memory of Stephen Robert Irwin (22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006)
Our most beloved crocodile hunter.
I love watching his shows because he was a breath of fresh air among all the Jack Hannas of the world. I'm not saying Jack Hanna's stale, but just..a bit too normal. a tad too....safe.
Jack didn't bring about the same amount of interaction Steve had naturally. Steve was infectious, he was enthusiastic (although those Down Under cringed because he was overly enthusiastic), he was BOLD, he was amazing, and most importantly, he was born a natural at what he loved doing.
He got so much not-deserved flak for some issues, which was clearly unfair for him, because people didn't acknowledge him enough for bringing out more conservationists and for putting in everything he could for Australia's wildlife.
It's really sad how critics can lambast and blame him for his own death.Honestly, he just swam above the stingray, the stingray then felt threatened, and pierced the barb into his chest.
usually stingrays use their barb as a defence mechanism, and deaths rarely occur because they usually pierce the feet. and stingrays are usually docile creatures, but there's still the fact that wild animals are unpredictable. Steve's death is an example of that.
its crazy, how can anyone blame him for his own death?
its really sad to read the reports, tabloids, watch the news going on about it. and that incident happened when he was filming some shallow water shots for a segment in the television program his daughter Bindi (his daughter) was hosting.
the first picture was during Jay Leno's show, when Steve was a guest, and he brought 2 tiger cubs along with him. it was very sweet to see how Jay interacted with the cub.
the cub holding on to his arm while sucking on the bottle, i bet Jay's never had such an experience. Just look at both their expressions, priceless indeed.
the 2nd picture's background was of the shrine people created outside Irwin's Australia Zoo in Beerwah, Queensland. and a lizard just crawled past it.
the last one reflected Steve's life, the way he handled animals was just incredible.
i just love this picture, which actually made me tear when i looked at it. but as he had always said, he was mentally prepared for whatever happens because he knew the risks involved with his job. and Job Stainton,friend and colleague, said he died doing what he loved most.
and when one of his crocs died, he cried and cried in front of the camera, saying he loved her like he loved his wife. it was heartwrenching to watch him in that state.
and most of us thought he was invincible.
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